On This Weeks Energies…

We have a lot going on this week.  We are still enjoying the Beltane energies until the middle of this week.  There is a ton of love and magic in the air.  May will bring with it some massive shifts and upgrades.  We are going into the 5/5 Gateway.  This month the Lunar Nodes will be shifting.  The North Node moves out of Capricorn and into Gemini on May 5th.  This is a huge transition.  The nodes rule our fate.  They also tell us a lot about what we can be shedding to fulfil our destiny.  We can expect this shift to bring with it some major plot twists.  This Gateway will bring with it some powerful energies.  We also have a Full Moon in Scorpio the 7th.  This will wrap up this Supermoon Season.  Many have been feeling the effects of these lunar energies and haven’t been sleeping as good.  This Full Super Moon will bring a huge emotional release for many.  We also have a few retrogrades in our near future.  Saturn is going Retrograde in Aquarius on the 10th, for the first time in 38 years.  We can expect some major transformations to occur.  Venus shifts into Retrograde next week, some can already feel the shadow phase has begun.  This month is all about personal transformation.  It’s a time to really get focused on your energy and your path ahead of you.  We have all of the best energies at play this week.  The theme is love, relationships, abundance, manifesting, and stepping into our destiny.

Join us for our 5/5 meditation.  You just sign up and are given a link to join the 5/5 Facebook group we will be using to Live Stream from.
