On The Energies…

Today is a big Galactic Activation Portal Day.  These Gateways allow us to be able to Shift to higher levels of awareness and consciousness.  These Portals also shower us in Galactic energies full of Light Codes that Activate our DNA.  We are making Big Shifts right now.  These Cosmic Energies are powerful.  The next several weeks the energies are meant to be used for manifesting.  That’s why is so important that we are staying very positive within these energies.  Right now we have some powerful Astrological Alignments playing out, above in the Heavens.  Tonight the Waxing Moon will be shining from within the Winter Circle.  The stars within this formation will be shining all different colours.  It’s also an amazing time to see the star Canopus in the sky tonight.  Canopus is the second brightest star, only to Sirius.  The Ancients thought Sirius and Canopus together controlled time.  Canopus is linked to the Egyptian God Osiris.  Canopus was thought of as a Stargate.  It was said to help one navigate across the dimensions.  It also allowed you to access the afterlife.  This is great energy for any Healers or Mediums.  Expect a ton of Star Power.

art: @kokeeneva