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On The Energies…
Vesta shifts into Cancer today. That means the focus is healing home, family and childhood issues. Themes around emotional avoidance, and the mother wound are coming up. Make sure your not pushing away the people that love you. It’s important that you’re opening up to more love, in every form. It’s all about honoring your feelings right now. You want to be nurturing your relationships and going deeper emotionally. Expect to be extra intuitive in your relationships right now. You’ll be tapping in a little extra to who you love telepathically. It’s all about tapping into your inner world right now. These energies at all about finding balance and self care. Vesta represents your inner spark. Vesta is connected with your purpose and the flame in your soul. It’s all about making sacrifices for your goals. These energies are all about creativity, love, and romance. Vesta is the guardian of the sacred flame. This is a powerful time for any Twin Flames, and for healing separation wounds for those currently apart. Vesta oversees Sacred Unions. She represents our devotion to the spiritual and spiritual purity. Vesta helps you to anchor into the 5d energies. She helps to heal and balance the masculine and feminine energies. Expect a lot of emotional healing.
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