On The Energies…

Tonight is the peak of the Cassiopeid Meteor Shower.  It’s raining down Andromedan shooting stars on us! These meteors radiate from the constellation of Cassiopeia.  They also come from a Jupiter comet.  That means these shooting stars and energies are bringing a ton of good luck and positive energies.  Shooting stars bring huge energetic shifts.  They are very much adding to the Cosmic Energies right now.  The Star in the Tarot represents hope, optimism, and wish fulfillment.  Positive changes are happening.  These energies are bringing a time of healing for the entire Planet.  These energies are also bringing healing and renewal for your love life.  Having hope in what you’re trying to manifest will make you very magnetic right now.  Shooting stars are an ancient symbol of love.  Shooting stars are also a sign of Twin Flames.  These connections are destined, and are meant to be.  They are also connections that were fated, or written in the stars long before you were born.  You both come from the same embers of the same stars.  The stars teach us to trust in the Divine Timing of the Universe.  Neptune has shifted Direct today.  This will help to add some forward momentum to your manifesting.   It also opens us up to more higher communication and spiritual understanding.  Neptune rules the spiritual and spiritual Unions.  That means things will get back on track in these areas.  Expect more signs, messages, and synchronicities right now.

art: @gluemyart