On The Energies…

Tomorrow Neptune Shifts Direct in Pisces! This is creating a lot of spiritual energy.  Neptune rules over our dreams.  It also rules over the subconscious, fantasies and magic.  This is about to shift things in a big way for you, when it comes to your manifestations and turning your dreams into reality.  It’s going to light your psychic gifts on fire.  As Neptune turns direct, you are being guided to make decisions about what you genuinely want to bring into your life, and to turn into reality.  These energies are all about manifestation.  This is a time of increased clarity.  While Neptune was in Retrograde it brought up many blocks to clear.  We have been clearing a lot of self-sabotaging, unhealthy patterns.  We are in a major healing cycle!  Expect more downloads and dreams during this time.  Pay attention to the higher guidance that is coming through.  Pay attention to your intuition right now.  You’re extra active in the astrals right now.  Pay attention to the dreams you’re having, and the messages that are coming through with them. You’re meant to be anchoring your dreams and manifesting them into the physical reality.  We are about to move into the energies of the 12:12 Portal then the Winter Solstice.  Both are very important Gates for Ascension.  The 12:12 Portal is a Gateway into Union for Soulmates and Twin Flames.  We are in a huge influx of energies already as December brings a lot of Galactic Energies.

art: @iheartsparkle.art