On The Energies…

Next up our Moon and the Pleiades are traveling near each other.  Today and tomorrow our Moon is merging together with the Pleiades.  Our Moon is also doing a special dance with Jupiter right now.  Tonight The Moon and Jupiter also form a line with Aldebaran, and the Pleiades.  This is a beautiful mix of energies.  We have tons of Galactic Energies pouring into the Planet right now.  We also have Geomagnetic Storms underway today.  The energies will get stronger as the Pleiades continue to rise, reaching their highest in the sky for Samhain/ Halloween.  It’s getting darker and darker out as we move through Autumn.  We wrap up the last few days of October with All Hallows Eve, Samhain which is the Celtic New Year, and The Witches New Year.  We then shift into November which kicks off with All Saints Day and All Souls Day.  This is a time of magic, manifesting, and healing.  The veil is thin so it’s a time to tap into the magic of the other side.  We will be feeling the energies a little extra thru the rest of October as we integrate the upgrades that we are receiving and the energies of yesterday’s Eclipse.  Extra self care if you’re needing it.  This is a day for healing and integrating.  The energies will be extra powerful for manifesting over the next week ahead.

art: @indgO