Integrating These Energies..



We still have a huge influx of energy coming in as we continue to integrate light codes from the 11:11 portal.  This energy is creating a reset as we adjust to the much higher frequencies.  Our solar plexus is being activated and upgraded as it continues to take in a lot of this energy.  As your continue to go through this ascension process your becoming more energy sensitive to these energies.  You should be feeling an increase in empathy.  As our light bodies continue to activate your psychic awareness will continue to expand.  We have a lot of changes underway.  Next week we will shift out of the element of water and into fire.  We continue to explore the emotional in Scorpio for the next week.  Mercury also goes direct next week, which will clear up any throat chakra or communication issues.  As we adjust to these higher frequencies we are being asked to remember this is a journey back to love.  Make sure your aligning with love this week.  Chiron is still in retrograde and is reminding us that our true power will be in responding to old wounds from a space of love.