Happy Galactic New Year!



Today is the Galactic New Year.  It’s the first day of a New Year of the galactic calendar, which is made up of 13 Moons, and 28 day cycles.  July 26 2021 to July 25, 2022 is the Yellow Electric Seed Year.  Today’s frequencies are helping us to shift into a new frequency, and even new realities.  It’s a great time to set intentions for the new year ahead.  Today corresponds with the rising of Sirius.  However Sirius actually rises and first becomes visible August 11th.  Sirius is a Gateway to Heaven.  As our Planet aligns with the Sun, and Sirius tons of supercharged high frequency energies stream in from our Great Central Sun.  These energies will be powerful for DNA activation over the next two weeks.  They are raising up the frequency of the entire Planet.  The Lions Gate Portal will open from July 28th to August 11th. We are already very much feeling, and in the energies of the Lions Gate Portal now though.  Expect royal codes that align with the heart chakra.  On the 8th day of the 8th month we have the 8/8 Portal.  This is the peak of the Lions Gate.  This means the energies will be at there strongest.  On the 8/8 Portal we have a powerful astrological alignment with Earth, Sirius, Orion’s Belt, our Sun, the Great Central Sun, and the pyramids of Giza all aligning.  This alignment activates the portals and energy vortexes within the Earth and the Ley Lines.  That’s why it’s such a powerful time to be doing energy work.  It’s so powerful to connect with the Earth and to get outside right now.  With these Energies you may experience spiritual awakening, kundalini activation, third eye/ heart chakra activations, opening of your chakras, clearing of blockages, spiritual experiences, downloads, an increase in clairvoyance, visions, dreams, or astral travel.  It’s a great time to clear your energy, recharge or to activate your crystals.