Energy Report…



We have been going through some powerful energetic shifts. This is a space between Gateways. We have just passed through the 9/9 Portal and and are headed into the Autumn Equinox Gateway. We are doing a lot of upgrades and releasing this week to be ready for the Equinox. This is a good time to integrate as we prepare for the next shift. The Equinox will bring with it some powerful light code activations. There is a powerful transformation occurring. Neptune has been influencing the energies in a huge way! Some are noticing we are instant manifesting the things we are focusing on. This is a time to be daydreaming. The law of attraction is real and we draw to us what we think about. This energy is helping us shift how we see reality. Perception is everything and the veil is thinning more and more. Neptune is assisting us with our spiritual sight. We have many new psychic senses coming online. Many of you are hearing frequencies or are becoming very energy sensitive. Many are having headaches, body aches, sleep disturbances, increased empathy and sensitivity, or other ascension type symptoms. This is our body adjusting to these influxes of high frequency energies. We have a huge influence with Chiron this week. This is pushing the Divine Feminine to release their karmic past. We must release the things no longer never serving us to make space for these new energies. Autumn is about letting go. There is a cosmic upgrade that is occurring and as you shift into the next version of yourself you have some more releasing to do. These are powerful shifts and a powerful time for our intentions to manifest.

I will be doing a transmission for the Autumn Equinox. This will be a powerful meditation and healing.