Tag: autumn equinox

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    Happy Equinox! We have shifted into a New Season.  We also have shifted into higher energies within the ascension.  Expect some major DNA upgrades as we are receiving a huge influx of Galactic Energies/ Energies directly from our Central Sun.  The veil between our world, and the spirit world is getting thinner and thinner.  That…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    We are getting ready for the Autumn Equinox and you should be feeling the nice Moon vibes in the air still.  During this time the Earth’s energy shifts.  The Equinox brings a moment of stillness before the Earth shifts directions.  The Autumn Equinox brings an equal balance of light and dark.  It marks the start…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    This Virgo Season is all about setting goals and getting organized.  We are still in somewhat of a Mercury Retrograde haze. This makes it time to review how things are going.  It’s showing you that the past is gone.  It’s time to let go of the old projects.  This Virgo Season is all about healing,…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    That Blue Super Moon will actually be at its biggest and brightest tonight.  Unlike most Full Moons, this Supermoon will appear full for 3 days.  That means we will be doing a Full Moon tonight and Friday night too.  We are being supercharged with energies from the Moon during that time.  Summer is ending and…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…



    Happy Solar Equinox! The Equinox is where the plane of Earth’s equator passes through the geometric center of the Sun’s disk.  The Equinox is always half way between the two Solstices.  This is a key event, that is shifting us into a new Season.  It’s a time of balance between the God and Goddess, and…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…



    The 22nd will kick off some major energies.  Tomorrow is the Equinox, and we also shift into Libra Season.  Expect heightened energies, and heightened magic.  We will be continuing to feel the energies of the Equinox over the next few weeks.  Sep 25th we have a Libra New Moon.  That makes this week very important…