Energy Report

Things are about to lighten up with this New Moon In Aquarius.  The energy from January’s eclipses will still be felt through February.  This Now Moon is amplifying the energy on this Planet.  The effects will, in fact, last several weeks.  We have a powerful month astrologically.  On February 18th the Sun will shift into Pisces.  This will be accompanied by Chiron moving into Aries.  This will create a huge cosmic shift, creating a new energetic cycle.  The next Full Moon will be adding an extra dynamic to this shift.  We are at a K3 index currently with this Space Storm.  We are expected to hit K5.  You can expect this energy to feel like an emotional roller coaster.  We are holding on to way to much old programming, that must be let go of.  The things that have been blocking you for far to long are coming to the surface to be released.  There is a huge focus on your inner child right now and clearing any old wounds.  We are on a bridge between worlds.  This New Moon will make your path more clear.  Your intentions have never been more important.  This storm will amplify them and send them back to you.  Focus on love and abundance so you receive these back.  


One response to “Energy Report”

  1. styansierra Avatar

    Omg I’m in for it . Let’s do this. Good to know I’m not dying and upgrading instead

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