
We have the energy of 11:11:11 today.  This entire month is holding this vibration.  This is a suspension in time, a space in between two realities.  This is a master number, a channel to the subconscious.  11 is very symbolic of the pillars.  This is a gateway between states of consciousness.  When we see theses numbers we know there is an awakening occurring within our DNA.  This energy is helping us shift to the probabilities that we want.  There is a huge emphasis on sub conscious programming right now and all things that come with that.  We should be noticing changes occurring in our dream states.  These energies are pushing us to lucidity in several realities at once.  Use this energy gateway to manifest.  Pay attention to your thoughts, are they serving you? Make sure your thoughts are aligned with your intended outcomes.  Time for more cleaning, a cleansing of the mind is underway.  The limiting thoughts your having must go, they are no longer serving you.  Mastery of your reality begins with mastery of the mind.  Each day you have a choice in your vibrational frequency.  Your thoughts helps determine that frequency.  If you want to go up in frequency think better thoughts.