The Schumann Resonance Is Increasing..

The Schumann Resonance hit a peak of 37hz today.   Your brain waves act as a receiver for these frequencies.  We are now in Gamma wave states.  Gamma waves will shift us into a unity consciousness.  This is affecting our visual awareness.  This is affecting our state of consciousness.  The Earth’s frequencies are rising and as they are your brain is picking up these frequencies.  The resonance is changing your state of lucidity.  This is inducing an altered state of consciousness.  There is a correlation between transcendental mental states and Gamma waves.  This is expanding your conscious awareness.  We are now leaving the Beta states for good and venturing into higher and higher frequencies.  In these Gamma wave states 70% of the time it will induce a lucid dream experience.  We are now about to reach those vibrational states on this Planet.  40hz currents are a key for lucidity.  It puts your brain on the exact frequencies needed to induce altered states of consciousness.  Since this is putting our brains on higher and higher frequencies we are able to better manifest and create our reality.  It’s allowing our brain to link to and receive much more information.  This is allowing us to have a more conscious experience within the dream world.