On The Energies…

We are in the May Pleiadian alignment from May 16-24.  During this time the Pleiades aligns with our Sun and we receive a lot of energies from our Central Sun, Sun, and the Pleiades.  Our Sun aligns with Alcyone, the brightest star of the Pleiades for the peak of this portal which takes place the 20th and 21st.  Expect major DNA activations and Light Body Upgrades.  You want to be connecting with these Galactic energies.  It’s a great time to be working with these Pleiadian energies.  Expect extra spiritual downloads and wisdom during this time.  Your psychic gifts and telepathic abilities are extra amplified in these energies.  These are amazing energies to be tapping into for energy healing and doing activation work.  These energies are all about waking up and remember your Galactic connection.  It’s all about awakening to your Starseed mission to help Earth.  Today Mercury is Square Pluto.  This may be bringing any deeper issues to the surface.  It’s the perfect energies for that.  Pleiadian energies are all about integrating any karma we are still carrying and raising our frequency.  Expect today’s energies to get you thinking a little deeper.  It’s important that you’re getting out of your own way and letting love flow again.  It’s all about opening your heart at this time.  Pluto always gets to the bottom of what lies beneath the surface.  Expect to be tapping into a lot of powerful ideas and insights.  We are going through a huge inner transformation right now.  This is like get a plan and make it happen energies.  Make sure you’re paying attention to your guidance to be more clear on what you should be doing.

art: @glitterartss