On The Energies…

Today we have a Lunar/ Saturn occultation.  Saturn will be near the Moon.  An occultation is when two objects come so close that their disks overlap.  This is the most extreme conjunction.  The Moon and Saturn will both meet up in Aquarius.  Expect powerful energies.  The Eta Aquariid meteors streak through the sky this week.  They peak on the 5:5 Portal.  Expect lots of shooting stars.  The Eta Aquariids are from tiny dust particles left behind by Halley’s Comet.  There is extra magic in the air this week.  We are in Taurus Season it’s all about dreaming bigger.  It’s all about those bigger long term goals.  It’s also about putting in the work to make them happen.  Today Mars forms a sextile with Pluto.  It’s all about taking action on these plans.  Make sure you’re following your intuition right now.  This means the masculine is going through a deep inner transformation.  Pluto rules over sex, death, and rebirth.  A healing is occurring where you struggle with power, control, and fate.  It’s important that you’re following your heart right now.  We have another CME that is expected to sideswipe Earth’s magnetic field tomorrow.  The energies we are in currently are all about clearing.  Pluto also rules over the never-ending cycle of beginnings and endings.  It’s all about letting go of the past.  Today’s Saturn energies are also pushing karmic energies you’re still holding on to, to the surface.  The Moon illuminates things you didn’t see before.  It shows you what has been hidden from your sight.  There is more you need to release and let go of from your past.  In some ways your past is blocking you from moving forward, to where you need to be.  Today’s energies are all about clearing and releasing those karmic blocks.  We are preparing for next week’s Taurus New Moon.  That New Moon is bringing some major manifestation power with it.   

art: @artpvb