On The Energies…

Happy Spring Equinox.  This is a time to work your magic!  The Equinox is a shift into Spring.  It’s the start of a new astrological year.  It’s also the start of Aries Season.  The energies of the Spring Equinox are bringing a lot of new light codes.  Massive DNA Activations are happening.  This is the best time to be doing some type of energy work.  These energies may be bringing any karmic or past baggage to the surface to process.  Major energies are coming up for release and clearing.  Spring begins today, and almost immediately a CME is expected to hit Earth.  This CME’s impact will set off Equinox auroras.  We also have a potentially dangerous sunspot that is crackling with flares.  Expect a huge influx of energies.  You want to be manifesting with them.  It’s a great time to be doing some Spring cleaning and decluttering energetically.  This time is all about letting go of the old, and making space for the new.  It’s all about opening up to the higher frequency energies and how you’re using them.  We are also preparing for Monday’s Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra.  Eclipses are times of major sudden shifts.  They get us back on trajectory.  Eclipses are a time where destiny steps in on our behalf to make sure we are on track.

art: @shinewonderland