On The Energies…

Today is our Scorpio New Moon.  A lot may have cleared from your life lately.  Let it.  This Scorpio New Moon is bringing shake ups and breakups.  Scorpio symbolizes rising up from the ashes.  This is another phoenix moment of your life.  I survived because the flame in me burned brighter than the fire around me.  Scorpio symbolizes death and rebirth.  It’s all about healing these shadow of darker aspects of yourself.  It’s all about deep transformation.  We are still in some major Underworld energy.  Our New Moon tonight is all about manifesting.  It’s all about setting good intentions.  Remember you’re creating your whole life as you go.  It’s also raining down Pleiadian stars on us.  Tonight is the peak of the Northern Taurids Meteor Shower.  We are about to enter into the November Pleiadian Alignment.  This occurs every year from Nov 15th- Nov 23rd.  The November Pleiadian Alignment peaks the 22nd.  During this time the Sun passes very close to the Pleiades.  Earth and the Sun are in perfect alignment with the Pleiades.  Remember it’s in the darkness that we see the best stars.  The Leonids Meteor Shower peaks the 17th and the 18th.  Nov 27th is our Full Moon in Gemini.  It’s also another powerful alignment with the Pleiades.  The Moon will align with the Pleiades for this Full Moon as well.  Make sure that you’re working your magic tonight.  This New Moon is known as the Lunar Samhain.  The veil is still thin, making it a great time to be tapping into the spiritual.

art: @yana.potter.art