On The Energies…



The shift in seasons is reminding us that we need to slow down.  Things are shifting around astrologically.  This is a huge time for personal transformation.  We are integrating a lot of energies, so this is a good time to rest and realign.  Next week we will shift into the element of Scorpio. This energy is assisting us in making that transition.  This is a time of year when light and dark find balance.  We are reminded that only in the dark sky can we see the shining stars.  This shift is taking us further into the unconscious so that we might make it more conscious.  We will delve further into the emotional.  We still have Chiron retrograde.  This is assisting us in clearing lots of long, lost repressed emotions.  Time to let go so that we can feel more deeply.  A lot of old programming has been coming to the surface so that we may further clear and old traumas, or wounds.  We will close out this month with an intense new beginning.  If things are coming up for closure then release them.  The veil will continue to thin giving you more and more insight.  The veil has always been your ego so if things feel uncomfortable, let them.  Trust the process.  This is an amazing time for humanity as we awaken to our potential.  Trust that your feelings are abilities that are coming online.  This is an amazing time to be receiving messages through your dreams.  The Universe is always communicating with you.  We also have our loved ones and ancestors reaching out to us from the other realm.