On The Energies…

This week is a Pleiadian Portal week.  The Sun is passing close to the Pleiades Star System in the constellation of Taurus right now.  Every year from May 16th- 24th a Pleiadian Portal opens.  During the Pleiadian Alignment the Earth, and the Sun move into a perfect alignment with the Pleiades.  During this time we have a ton of Galactic energies streaming in.  The portal will continue to peak and be at its strongest this weekend.  The brightest star of the Pleiades, Alcyone moves into a direct solar alignment with our Sun.  It’s Star Light Is helping us to clear any fear, karma, or outdated patterns.  That means for many there is a lot rising to the surface.  That means major activations for any Pleiadian Starseeds.  Those carrying a Pleiadian Energy Signature are going to be  receiving extra DNA upgrades.  That means many are awakening.  This is an amazing time to be connecting for healing.  The Galactics are assisting us with the entire ascension process.  This is an amazing time to be connecting with the Pleiadians.  Last nights Blood Moon Eclipse has activated the next level of your soul contracts.  That means for some lessons ending, and for some new ones beginning.  Follow your soul with this.  The Pleiadian Alignment is so powerful for Twin Flames.  If you are a Flame experiencing a separation trust that the Universe is working hard to bring you into Union.  This Portal is also meant to strengthen your connection with the other side.  It’s opening up the connection that you have with your higher self, guides, and loved ones and ancestors in spirit.  You may be receiving lots of downloads right now.  You may be seeing different colors/ colored light/ colored energies right now.  You may be getting glimpses of the future right now.  You may be seeing or understanding your past lives.  These energies are powerful.  This week is meant to be a space of healing, and working on your energy.