Making Space For A Higher Dimensional Love



At what point did you stop believing in fairy tales? I only ask because our experience is the ultimate story and far to many people have settled for less then love.  In the modern notion of fairy tales they tell stories of princes coming on white horses to save you.  Too many people have sought a love to save them.  When we play the victim we tend to draw the villains.  This is a quest for liberation.  This liberation will be found through love and the merging of soul aspects.  It’s time to open up to a different kind of love.  Union with self, tuning into the Divinity within.  Only when we find this Divine love within ourselves can we ever love another.  Too many people are using love to fill spiritual voids, a temporary fill for spiritual problems.  This is about coming back to love on spiritual levels.  Just like the modern fairy tales we must conquer our own turmoil before coming back to love.  There is a magnetising occurring between souls at this time.  These energies are creating soul pulls, meant to guide us home, to the souls we love.  Follow the calling.