
Sirius is opening a gateway during this storm. It’s a portal to higher realms of consciousness, a gateway to the heavens. Last month the Sun merged with this Sirian energy setting a path for these higher frequency energies. Sirian energies are helping raise consciousness during these ascension upgrades. This energy is closest in alignment with our original Galactic frequencies. This Lionsgate Portal is activated when the Sun, Sirius, and the Earth align in specific points in the sky. Get ready for the ultimate consciousness grid war to play out. This energy is coming to bring balance between the material and the spiritual. Sirius is bringing abundance to this Planet, we have a Taurus conjunction, which is the master manifestor element needed for this mix. This energy is meant to unlimit you. You will be able to easily access the other dimensions and astral realms with this energy. The adept will use it to chose better timelines. These portals can be used to shift to better outcomes. Your being reminded that your infinite in your potential here. Your far to happy in these spiritual containment programs. Liberation is on site and the whole Universe is ready at your whim to assist you in anything you are creating. Each choice, every probability, every action comes with a new timeline. You could be choosing better ones, unlimit what you think is possible. What the Universe is capable of is beyond our limited human comprehension. There is an energetic force ready to assist us in shifting this planet to a better timeline, and ultimately a better future. This is just a Dream and it’s time to change the dreamscape.