Soul Retrieval



This journey is about healing ourselves.  When we go through any type of trauma we lose aspects of ourselves.  Part of our soul leaves the body so that our consciousness can survive whatever is occurring.  People develop issues when this soul fragment does not return.  We often have soul loss occur to us at a young age.  These create splits affecting who we think we are.  This can create ongoing energetic disturbances or negative patterns.  Shamanic healers have the ability to travel outside of linear time.  It’s an ability to revisit these energetic events.  Depression and illness are symptoms of soul loss.  The current systems in place are to mask the spiritual around us.  They use terms like dissociation to describe this.  When you go to therapy and talk about these traumas it makes it much worse.  They are refocusing on your trauma, but not in a healing capacity. This will make the fracture much worse.  You can only heal energetic traumas through energetic healing and you can only heal soul fractures through retrieval.  Our individual souls are connected to entire fields of consciousness.  We are all interconnected through our actions and experiences.  Soul entanglement can also lead to soul fragmentation.  We tend to become entangled with others energetically and through events we experience together.  Usually all parties involved become depleted, from these connections.  We often take on others feelings and shadow side as our own, being unable to differentiate our own energy.  We become intertwined with others through trauma.  These things are usually without a conscious awareness.  We are unconsciously clearing an entire cycle of pain, trauma, and emotional debris right now.  It took us many lives to get to this place of healing for humanity.  We came to heal our past from the Now.