Lionsgate Portal 8:8:8

     Every year the Sun, Earth, and Sirius move to specific points in the sky, this activates the Lionsgate Portal. Right now the Sun is aligned with the star, Sirius which is bigger and brighter than our own Sun. Sirius is known as the Spiritual Sun. It holds wisdom and knowledge from the other realms. The Lionsgate portal is open now, its open from July 26 to August 8. 8/8 is a synchronistic date and when this energy will be most powerful. 8 is also a powerful number that represents infinity, power, divine connection, rebirth and higher realms.

This energy is upgrading and purifying all of us.  The energies hitting Earth right now are “light energies” coming from both of these celestial bodies. We are being bathed in two of the most powerful lights in the sky. The energy is enhancing spiritual awakenings and bringing us to a new place of awareness. Use this higher vibrational energy right now. Take care of yourself right now. Spend lots of time outside in nature, and meditating. It’s the best time to do anykind of energy or healing work.