Full Moon In Pisces…

We have a Full Moon in Pisces on Friday. This Moon is meant to cleanse us for the Equinox. Pisces governs the element of water, which is all about the emotional. We have had huge influxes of energy affecting us on many levels. Any stuck or unresolved emotions are coming to the surface with this energy. Those that are energy sensitive may feel extra emotional. Jupiter and Neptune are in great placements to assist us with our manifesting. If this Moon energy feels heavy to you then it’s meant to bring you some closure. This is a good time to be proud of how far you have come and to release the things no longer in alignment with who your becoming. This Full Moon is in the constellation of Phoenix. Pluto goes through a rebirth, in this constellation. This is a powerful time of transformation for humanity. Pluto represents the underworld or the subconscious. These are powerful elements for healing. Like the Phoenix, we have risen from the ashes time and time again to find ourselves. This is about becoming the most authentic version of yourself. Let your intuition be your guide for navigating these energies. Take care of your energy going through this shift. Neptune can make us more energy sensitive. Neptune rules the spiritual as well as your dreams. This is an amazing time to do some dream work!