Tag: chiron

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    We are at a K7 Index right now.  We have a strong G3 class Geomagnetic Storm going on now.  Last night a CME hit Earth’s magnetic field, which is reverberating from the impact.  Right now the Solar Winds are at the highest they have been in years.  A second CME may arrive later today.  This…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    We have a powerful conjunction between Mars and Venus playing out.  The theme this week is healing relationships.  This will help us so much in finding balance between the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine.  These alignments will help to bring the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine back together.  Issues in ego may have…

  • Chiron Retrograde..

    Chiron has shifted into retrograde giving us an opportunity to cleanse our heart chakra.  This may be bringing up old wounds or programming not serving you.  We took on a lot of karmic lessons and ancestral programming in manifesting into this experience.  This is about letting go and shifting how we see things.  There is…

  • Energy Report

    Things are about to lighten up with this New Moon In Aquarius.  The energy from January’s eclipses will still be felt through February.  This Now Moon is amplifying the energy on this Planet.  The effects will, in fact, last several weeks.  We have a powerful month astrologically.  On February 18th the Sun will shift into…

  • Stripping Away The Illusion..

    Let go of what you think you know about how things should be.  With Neptune in Pisces for the first time in 164 years we will now watch the illusion crumble.  You were always the glue holding it together.  This is the time in which the world will awaken.  Instead of using this as an…

  • Chiron Direct In Pisces..

    Monday Chiron moves Direct in Pisces.  Mercury moved direct, it will now drag Chiron out of the underworld with it.  Mercury is messenger of the Gods and a guide of souls.  We are being pulled from the subconscious to the conscious now.  Death of the old allows us to create new life.  Chiron in Pisces…