Raise The Frequency Of Your House…



With this Capricorn energy we have a huge focus on bringing up the vibrational frequency.  A good place to start is with your house.  De-clutter, let go of anything your not currently using.  When we hold on to old ideas it creates stagnant energy.  Make sure your space is clean, regard it as a temple.  Your space should be sacred.  Add high frequency items to your decor.  Crystals, candles, spiritual tapestries, wind chimes, all bring up the frequencies.  Grid your house.  I at the least would grid around your bed and around your windows in the rooms your most in.  Make sure your saging or burning incense to clear the energy in the house.  A good way to move the energy is to open doors and windows.  Each house has a vibrational frequency.  It’s an object that holds energy.  This is the best time to begin Spring Cleaning out your life.  Make sure your house is a good reflection of your higher self.  Oils are amazing for bringing up the frequency, try a diffuser.  Salt lamps and good lighting helps a lot, ditch the LED bulbs.  Music helps, listen to lots of binaural beats or meditation music.  Add plants and flowers to your home.  Plants increases the life force energy.  Chose colours that reflect your soul.  Cut down on the electronics.  Electromagnetic frequencies affect your vibration and your houses.  Remove the toxins from your house.  You may want to use less toxic cleaning products.  Create more meditation areas.  Areas you can go to spend time alone are very important.  This is a good time to clean, purify, organise, and manifest.