Tag: detox

  • Raise The Frequency Of Your House…



    With this Capricorn energy we have a huge focus on bringing up the vibrational frequency.  A good place to start is with your house.  De-clutter, let go of anything your not currently using.  When we hold on to old ideas it creates stagnant energy.  Make sure your space is clean, regard it as a temple. …

  • The World Is Waking Up..

    The world is waking up.  Many people are awakening from a very numbing existence.  One in which people follow the masses.  Awakening is a disorienting process, seeing through the illusion has the tendency to crash your entire reality in.  Our perception is shifting.  We live in a world with more emphasis on the material then…

  • A Space Storm Energy Update..

    This is the expulsion of the dark.  Very real forces have ruled this Planet for a very long time.  Dark forces controlling the spiritually unpure.  Things are changing fast.  Humanity has been locked in a karmic fate for far to long.  Have no fear, we have sent many for this mission.  Things are shifting and…

  • Our Planet Is Now Toxic…



    Our planet is now toxic. Humans emit more than 250 billion tonnes of chemical substances a year. We are now harming all life forms on this planet. Every minute of your life your being exposed to thousands of chemicals with every breath you take. Chemical emissions are destroying our planet. They are the largest impact…

  • Chlorella

    I have been on chlorella three weeks now, and here are some reasons I plan on staying on it for the duration of my stay in the matrix. Chlorella is a single-celled freshwater algae. It’s one of the oldest known species on this planet. Chlorella is known for its detoxing and immune benefits. This is…