On The Energies…

We have some powerful Energies expected over the next few days.  These waves of energy are coming from the Galactic Central Sun, through our Sun.  We also have a lot of powerful Planetary Alignments playing out, along side this Ascension.  Each Planetary Shift is meant to be taking you into a better alignment.  As these New Earth energies are pouring in, they are full of Light Codes that are putting us on a much higher frequency.  Since our DNA is made up of Light and Frequencies, these Cosmic Energies are changing our DNA.  Your entire Blueprint is being Upgraded.  You may be feeling the effect of this Ascension process in a physical way as your body is responding to, and processing all of these energies.  You may be experiencing ringing in the ears, headaches, feeling tired, sleep issues, or even aches and pains.  We are also going through a lot of clearing within the Solar Plexus.  You may be having stomach issues, bloating, or nausea.  Things will start to feel better tomorrow, as Mercury is set to Shift Direct.  We will however remain in its Shadow Period until March 13th.  Tonight the First Quarter Moon will be passing Taurus.  We are going to get a great view of the Pleiades star system.  Over the next few days the Moon is going to cross through a giant hexagon of stars known as the Winter Circle.  As it passes through the Winter Circle we will be showered from the energies of many different star systems.  The constellations Sirius and Orion help make up this formation.

art: @floatingheavy