Tag: Dna activations

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…


    in ,

    A CME and an Astroid just hit Earth.  Expect a huge influx of energies as we prepare for the Equinox.  The Planet is getting increasingly chaotic within these energies.  That’s why it’s so important to be doing the inner work right now.  It’s so important that we are tapping into more of our inner light. …

  • Love From Stonehenge…

    Love From Stonehenge…

    We had a beautiful weekend at Stonehenge.  We went to Glastonbury Tor too.  These are always some of my favourite places to go.  We did some amazing grid work and put lots of intentions and energies out to awaken and heal the Planet.  It’s been amazing to connect with a lot of you in this…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    It’s a New Month and New Energies.  Welcome to June! This month will be huge energetically.  Right now we are in the middle of Eclipse Season and Retrograde Season.  Big shifts have been happening over the past week.  We have been doing a lot of clearing.  This is to prepare us for the massive influx…

  • We Are Doing Pleiadian Activations This Week…

    We Are Doing Pleiadian Activations This Week…

    We are in a powerful Pleiadian Portal.  This is an amazing time to see the Pleiades in the night sky or to connect with the energy of the Sun and the Pleiades.  We are doing Pleiadian Activations this week.  These are beautiful energies to use for healing.  Galactic energies are powerful in activating us.  We…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    We are integrating the huge influx of Light Codes we received over the weekend with the 4/4 Portal. We still have a ton of Incoming Galactic Energies.  We are in Day 9 of a 10 day stretch of Galactic Activation Portal Days.  These days are Gateways of expanded consciousness.  That means we are in some…

  • Happy Equinox…

    Happy Equinox…

    You can come get activated all day today! We are doing a special Equinox Activation.  The Equinox are some of the most powerful energies of the entire year! Make sure you are using them! Here is the link to sign up… https://www.sparksofdivinelighthealing.com/product/springequinoxgatewayactivation/ art: @lyla_ab