On The Energies…

The energies are picking up intensity as we prepare for the 8:8 portal.  You want to be tapping into these energies.  They can help you so much with what is coming up for you during this time, what you’re moving through, what you’re working on healing, and manifesting the future that you desire.  We are receiving a huge influx of energies right now from our Central Sun, Sun, Sirius, and Orion right now, as all are in a powerful alignment with Earth for the rest of the Lions Gate Portal.  We are receiving a huge influx of light codes, and with them intense DNA activations.  That’s why this is one of the best times to be dong energy work and practicing self care.  August began with the Lions Gate Portal.  It will be ending with a rare Blue Supermoon on Aug 31st.  This Moon is all about your hopes, dreams, healing and closure.  It will be helping you to let go, so expect endings.  That means with the energies so intense you may be having a lot come up.  The frequencies are only getting higher and are pushing you toward healing on every level.  Expect the frequencies to continue to climb the rest of August.  We have Venus Retrograde still, and in exactly a week’s time she will merge together with our Sun forming a Venus Star Point.  That means this Lions Gate is bringing a strong desire for love.  Expect huge shifts over the next week in your love life.

art :@jensfineart