Energy Update..

Getting ready for this Cosmic dance between Sirius and the Sun! Get ready! We have two incoming Galactic waves of energy about to hit this Planet simultaneously.  Sirius is regarded as the gateway to heaven.  The Equinox is one of the times in the year when many energetic portals are open and the veils between the worlds become thinner.  It is a time when we can tune into the world of our ancestors.  It’s a very sacred energy.  When the Equinox hits it create an incredible balance.  It’s a powerful time to tap into the wisdom of the Earth, the light of the Sun, and your connection with the entire Cosmos.  This is opening an energy gate that will flood this Planet with light and energy.  Many people are already feeling this great shift that is beginning to take place.  These crystalline energies that have been dormant for so long are being activated.