Activating The Unconscious..

This energy may be bringing any unresolved traumas or trapped emotions to the surface.  It may be stirring areas of your soul that you haven’t visited for a while.  A lot of people are not consciously aware of  this ascension or the increasing energies.  This is an important time for humanity.  These energies are creating massive shifts.  They are also purifying us on a soul level.  We have spent a lifetime storing emotions in our energy centers.  These energies are flushing them to the surface.  They are raising us in frequency activating these purge cycles.  Despite this, it’s very important that you realign with your higher timelines through staying positive about your outcomes and manifesting them.  This energy is pushing you to take a deeper responsibility for what your creating.  This is an amazing time to explore the unconscious.  This energy is creating an amazing portal into the world of dreams.  Whether awake here, or asleep dreaming.