The Galactic Drama


The Galactic Drama

We are working towards an end to this planetary quarantine.  Distortions in the planets magnetic fields are about to speed up these events.  The governments will even reach a point where they will have no choice but to recognize the spiritual hierarchy.  A lot of people are feeling the need to suddenly relocate.  There are many areas that are being targeted right now.  Only through service would you be moved.  Most notably regions of the Pacific Southwest coast mountain ranges of the USA, the Northern Cascade range of the USA’s Pacific Northwest, the Sierra Madre range that surrounds Mexico’s capital and the islands of the Central South Pacific Ocean will be most affected by future events.  While the earth is now expanding, it’s about to contract.  The entire Universe is being upgraded and adjusting to new realities of consciousness.  The energy is slowly removing our old realities.  The very core of the galaxy is being affected, and expanding.  This process is opening up many intergalactic and inter-dimensional doorways.  New light energies are pouring into our present reality, altering our entire gravitational field.  The galactic drama is nearing an end.  Ne
w counsels of the stars are being formed.