Tag: Pisces

  • New Moon In Pisces…

    We have a lot of energy streaming in the past few days.  This is a huge adjustment for our physical bodies.  Earlier this week Mercury has gone Retrograde in Pisces.  We also have a New Moon in Pisces Sunday.  Since we have shifted into the element of water there is a huge surge of emotions…

  • Full Moon In Pisces…

    We have a Full Moon in Pisces on Friday. This Moon is meant to cleanse us for the Equinox. Pisces governs the element of water, which is all about the emotional. We have had huge influxes of energy affecting us on many levels. Any stuck or unresolved emotions are coming to the surface with this…

  • Astrology For This New Moon In Pisces

    Aries- Time to embrace your inner witch.  Get in touch with your metaphysical side. Enjoy this cosmic energy. Taurus- Your friends will be your focus the next month.  Time to get social. Gemini- Time to put some manifesting energy into your job.  This energy is making you more creative.   Cancer- This energy is making you…

  • New Moon Meditation And Activation-Monday

    On Monday I’ll be doing a live guided Meditation on Facebook.  I’ll also be doing a New Moon Activation through my website.  I will be working with the energies of Neptune.  This is to activate your own inner knowledge.  This Moon will be unique in its energetic effects.  The Moon energies will last for about…

  • Energy Report

    Things are about to lighten up with this New Moon In Aquarius.  The energy from January’s eclipses will still be felt through February.  This Now Moon is amplifying the energy on this Planet.  The effects will, in fact, last several weeks.  We have a powerful month astrologically.  On February 18th the Sun will shift into…

  • Stripping Away The Illusion..

    Let go of what you think you know about how things should be.  With Neptune in Pisces for the first time in 164 years we will now watch the illusion crumble.  You were always the glue holding it together.  This is the time in which the world will awaken.  Instead of using this as an…