Pole Shift…

Our Earth is surrounded by an Electro-Magnetic field, known as a Toric Field. The Earth’s heart chakra anchors the Earth’s Torus deep within the crystalline iron core, which is the Earth’s gateway. Energy emulates through the Earths Torus, making up the shape of Fibonacci spirals. We live in a Universe that is holographic and made up of fractals. This Toric field also surrounds the human heart chakra. The magnetic component of Earth’s Toric gives our planet her magnetic north and south poles. The electrical component to this is the Earth’s heartbeat, or the Schumann Resonance. The Schumann Resonance is increasing. Earth’s electrical beat has an inverse relationship with Earths magnetic field. As the frequency of Earth increases, the Earth’s magnetic field is diminished. As the magnetics reach a low threshold the magnetic north and south will become weak and chaotic, leading to a full magnetic pole shift. The Schumann Resonance is increasing due to:

Solar activity is activating Earths Toric field.

Photon belt/ Band of alcyone is activating Earths Toric Field

Galactic love waves through the Galactic Toric Field is activating Earths Toric field.

Humanities individual & collective heart resonance is activating Earths Toric Field.

Celestial alignments, such as, Lunar & Solar Eclipses, Solstices, Equinoxes, and Galactic Centre Conjunctions.

World events that open our Hearts and create Global Coherence within the field.