Tag: pole shift

  • An Energy Update…

    The Earth’s North Pole is moving from Canada towards Siberia.  It’s moving rapidly to! It’s also impossible to predict what might occur.  This is setting a serious of events into motion.  It should be apparent that humanity is headed on a collision course, and that things can not be allowed to carry on like this. …

  • On This Storm..

    Friday we had an eruption in the Sun’s Southern Hemisphere.  This sent a CME into space.  This expanding cloud is headed toward Earth.  We can expect for this CME to deliver a blow to Earth’s magnetic field on Wednesday.  This may spark a polar magnetic storm.  These solar winds have just arrived, there was a…

  • Pole Shift..

    Everyone is freaking out about everything hitting the news. We are in a space storm so I wanted to do a little energy report. There are a rumors there will be a blackout, as in the lights going out. The blackout is happening, but not like people think. It’s all going to be extreme weather.…

  • Pole Shift…

    Our Earth is surrounded by an Electro-Magnetic field, known as a Toric Field. The Earth’s heart chakra anchors the Earth’s Torus deep within the crystalline iron core, which is the Earth’s gateway. Energy emulates through the Earths Torus, making up the shape of Fibonacci spirals. We live in a Universe that is holographic and made…

  • Getting Ready For The Pole Shift

    Every 750,000 years the Earth’s magnetic field flips its polarity. This has happened many times over the millennia. This is where the Earths polarities reverse and actually flip. North will become South and South will become North. Everything around you is telling you that we have reached the end of our cycle. The last pole…