On The Energies…


Venus has shifted into Aries until April 29th.  Expect a lot of desire, passion and action in your relationships.  These will be intense energies for your love life.  Expect a lot of energy.  Venus is the Planet of money and romance.  Venus in Aries is about finding someone who is both a mind and heart connection.  Your love life may be a little hard to navigate right now with Venus entering Aries mid-Eclipse Season and while in Mercury Retrograde.  Expect setbacks in love.  These energies are all about healing the past.  It’s an aligned time to focus more on your needs.  April 8th is our Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse.  This Eclipse will bring major changes to our life especially in relationships and our finances.  It’s bringing major new beginning vibes.  This Eclipse occurs within a few degrees of our North Node.  Eclipses on the North Node can have a purging effect.  This Eclipse also forms a tight conjunction with Chiron.  We will have five celestial bodies and the North Node all in Aries.  Expect things to move fast.  Old wounds are coming up for healing and our destiny is being activated In a big way.  This Eclipse also aligns with Saturn in Pisces.  Expect a lot of karmic energy to be clearing.  This Eclipse is great for shifting back on track if you have felt lost lately.  It will also be huge for bringing any destined lovers together.