On The Energies…

Happy Galactic New Year! Today is a New Planetary Year.  A new 12 month cycle has begun.  We have also entered the Lionsgate Portal.  The light codes are already beginning to pour in.  Expect this years Lionsgate Portal to be stronger then ever before.  The energies are shifting on the Planet and we are feeling, and seeing it more and more.  Things will peak for the 8:8 Portal, although we will remain in the Lionsgate Portal until August 12th.  Our Central Sun, Sun, Sirius, and Orion’s Belt are moving into a powerful alignment with Earth.  This is flooding the Planet with high vibrational energies from the Galactic Center of our Universe.  As these energies reach us, it’s now activating the Earth.  The Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx will activate in Egypt from these energies, amplifying the energies being sent out through the collective grids.  The Lionsgate Portal kicks off a series of powerful Galactic Portals.  We are entering into some of the stronger energies of the year.  These are powerful energies for healing and manifesting.  That’s why it’s an amazing time to be working with the energies.  Expect major DNA activations this week.  These energies really open up the spiritual.  It’s an amazing time to be connecting with the Galactics, Archangels, Angels, Your Spirit Guides, and Spirits.