Chiron Retrograde..

Chiron has shifted into retrograde giving us an opportunity to cleanse our heart chakra.  This may be bringing up old wounds or programming not serving you.  We took on a lot of karmic lessons and ancestral programming in manifesting into this experience.  This is about letting go and shifting how we see things.  There is no separation between our experiences and ourselves.  The thoughts we are having about others are going to reflect back to ourselves.  The energies we send out, come back to affect us.  The incoming ascension energies are coming in waves, just as your healing must.  It’s time to open up on an emotional level.  How you feel will always be your greatest guide.  We will have a Lunar Eclipse next week.  This is giving us a chance to reset emotionally and energetically.  This pair of Eclipses that are occurring in July will be influencing the energy for the rest of the year.  Combined with this Chiron retrograde this energy is coming to give you what you need to release your past.  This energy represents your inner wounds.  It’s time to dig in deep to release these things collectively.

If you are having blockages or issues regarding love or the past check out our heart chakra activations.  It’s an amazing energy to release anything blocking us.