Category: The Matrix

  • Stripping Away The Illusion..

    Let go of what you think you know about how things should be.  With Neptune in Pisces for the first time in 164 years we will now watch the illusion crumble.  You were always the glue holding it together.  This is the time in which the world will awaken.  Instead of using this as an…

  • The World Is Waking Up..

    The world is waking up.  Many people are awakening from a very numbing existence.  One in which people follow the masses.  Awakening is a disorienting process, seeing through the illusion has the tendency to crash your entire reality in.  Our perception is shifting.  We live in a world with more emphasis on the material then…

  • The End Of An Era..

    The awakening is occurring all around us.  Even the sleeping can see there is something occurring here.  The 3D constructs of fear and imposed will are over.  Humanity is remembering their Divine potential.  This will be a time when humanity takes back its power.  The sleepers are becoming more angry and fearful as they try…

  • The Frequencies Are Waking The Collective..

    The Schumann Resonance is the base of human consciousness.  Just as we have an aura which is made up of an electro magnetic field, so does the Earth.  The Schumann Resonance is a background frequency the influences your brain.  What is happening with the Earth is changing your brain waves, and influencing your nervous system. …

  • Falling In Love With Self Again and Again..

    People fear the unknown not understanding its very known.  This is the place in which you find yourself.  Your only ever exploring aspects of yourself in these places.  Your continually colliding with reflections of the vibrations you are putting out.  We only ever draw people to us on the same frequencies.  You can change your…

  • 144,000- Guardians Of The Grid

    There is an energy level gridwork system, our current consciousness grid.  This grid is being upgraded and activated on all new levels.  For the first time ever we have lightworkers creating additional points within this system, many interconnected energies.  When you chose to work with the energies of light you become an anchor on this…