Category: The Matrix

  • On This Space We Are In..

    I see a lot of people in fear of the dark and even giving their power to it right now.  We are seeing the power of the light in these energies coming into the Planet.  We are being blasted with waves of 5D energy.  So many people are blaming 5G, the government, the Cabal, even…

  • Rethinking The Collective..

    Sometimes we need to take a break to rethink what direction we are going in.  This is an amazing time to rethink where we have evolved to as a society.  It’s not a surprise that we are now seeing an entire system failure.  In a lot of ways we have failed as a society long…

  • Major Shifts Occurring…

    We have had a massive shift occurring.  We are in a powerful space as we are in between Eclipse Gateways.  We will have 6 Eclipses in 2020, the first of which will occur January 10th.  This energy is extremely powerful until then.  After a few calm days with the Schumann Resonance we hit a power…

  • The Energies Of 2020…

    We are going to continue to have a lot of energies streaming in.  I am someone who is very sensitive to these energies.  I can always feel and tell what’s coming.  These energies really just amplify anything already going on.  2020 will be powerful for the collective.  We will continue through this Eclipse gateway until…

  • The Crumbling..

    Get ready for the ultimate crumbling to occur.  We have seen our worlds burn time and time again.  Still people are not grasping this was never to build the material around us.  It’s always been about building yourself.  As the energy is shifting and the frequencies are rising the programming not serving humanity must be…

  • The Schumann Resonance Is Increasing..

    The Schumann Resonance hit a peak of 37hz today.   Your brain waves act as a receiver for these frequencies.  We are now in Gamma wave states.  Gamma waves will shift us into a unity consciousness.  This is affecting our visual awareness.  This is affecting our state of consciousness.  The Earth’s frequencies are rising and…