Category: Manifesting

  • Use This Energy To Manifest

    Stay positive with your thoughts right now and focus on manifesting. Right now we are in a space storm, we have lunar and solar energy, as well as radiation hitting us. Hydrate and use this energy to get things done in your life. Focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. Be clear…

  • Manifesting 101

    Be very clear with your intent. It’s a great idea to write down what you want too, so your very clear with your intent. The Universe needs specifics, a lot of the time we are just thinking jumbled thoughts all day long, so be clear, make a list. Manifesting only works on a love vibe…

  • Manifesting

    This energy is extremely high for manifesting, so use it for your advantage. Start writing down your hopes, dreams, and wishes. Because of the Pisces element, we are in, its ideal to manifest the feelings you want rather then physical or material things. There is great power in manifesting feelings or a different state of…

  • Full Moon January 12th

    We are getting ready for a full moon January 12th. The moon will be located on the opposite side of the Earth as the Sun, and it will be fully illuminated. This full moon was known be early Native American tribes as the “Full Wolf Moon.” This was the time of year when hungry wolf…

  • 6 Spiritual Truths, Backed Up By Science…

    As a society we are often torn between religion and science. I am spiritual, my truth is bigger then any man made religion. In spirituality I have found something that resonates as true to me. In spirituality I embrace science. 1. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Since birth we are taught the…

  • Law of Abundance

    I would like to talk to you about the Law of Abundanc, manifesting, and how to make your reality what you want it to be.  Right now I am rich in love.  I live in love, and love is currency to me.  Ofton when you hear about the law of abundance, it refers to money,…