Manifesting 101

Be very clear with your intent. It’s a great idea to write down what you want too, so your very clear with your intent. The Universe needs specifics, a lot of the time we are just thinking jumbled thoughts all day long, so be clear, make a list. Manifesting only works on a love vibe or with a love intent. So always base all of your desires out of love. Moon energies amplify manifesting. So basically whether your aware of it or not your thoughts are creating the reality you see right now. Use this time to think positive things about what you really want. When you are manifesting don’t let money block you. Manifest as if money wasn’t an object, because it isn’t. Always think positive things so you draw positive things to you. It’s just something you have to keep practicing with, like anything else. My advice is to start with small objects, because the less expensive or smaller an object is the easier it is to manifest. We are living in a manifest reality. We have the same abilities here with manifesting as we do in the dream world. This whole process goes a lot smoother if all your chakras are open and unblocked.