Category: Love

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…



    Today our Moon is Conjunct Jupiter in Taurus.  It’s bringing some much needed positive energies.  Expect some lucky vibes.  It’s bringing luck in love for everyone.  There are many people that are in fated connections right now.  More and more Twin Flames are coming together into Union.  Twin Flames have a shared destiny.  These type…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…



    Today Venus enters Pisces! When Venus is in Pisces anything is possible.  This alignment is all about love at first sight, cosmic connections, fairytale endings, and synchronicities.  Venus will stay in Pisces until April 5th.  During this time it’s all about the magic of love.  This alignment is all about a deeper spiritual kind of…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…



    March is such a High Energy Month.  In march we have 7 major conjunctions happening.  Conjunctions kick off and shift us into new planetary cycles.  They bring very strong energies that help to shift us forward on our path.  March 2nd Venus is conjunct Jupiter in Aries.  March 3rd Venus is conjunct Chiron in Aries. …

  • It’s An Activation Day…

    It’s An Activation Day…



    I’m doing healing activations all day today.  You just sign up and I’ll come find you… Angelic Higher Union Activation… VDay Love Healing Activation… art: @glittsparkles

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…



    We are in a Mercury Pre Retrograde Shadow.  Mercury is Retrograde from Dec 22nd to Jan 18th in Capricorn.  That means we are in Mercury Retroshade right now.  We are also 3 days until the Winter Solstice.  That means we can expect major energies as we are counting down the rest of the year.  As…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…



    The 22nd will kick off some major energies.  Tomorrow is the Equinox, and we also shift into Libra Season.  Expect heightened energies, and heightened magic.  We will be continuing to feel the energies of the Equinox over the next few weeks.  Sep 25th we have a Libra New Moon.  That makes this week very important…