On The Energies…



Today our Moon is Conjunct Jupiter in Taurus.  It’s bringing some much needed positive energies.  Expect some lucky vibes.  It’s bringing luck in love for everyone.  There are many people that are in fated connections right now.  More and more Twin Flames are coming together into Union.  Twin Flames have a shared destiny.  These type of connections helps us to confront past relationship wounds.  It’s important that your healing and resolving these type of issues.  Jupiter brings us energies of gratitude and abundance.  We also have Mars conjunct Saturn.  It’s pushing the past karmic baggage up to the surface.  This alignment is helping you to move forward and break free from your limitations.  It’s all about acknowledging when things aren’t working and to embrace new paths.  These energies are helping you to navigate through significant changes.  We also have the Moon conjunct Uranus.  Expect mood shifts.  Uranus influences your spiritual connections.  Stay open to new connections coming in right now that can uplift your energy and move you forward on your path.  Destiny is hard at work this month.  Expect to continue to clear a lot of energies right now.  We are preparing for a huge fated alignment that will happen the 17th when Venus crosses the North Node.  Expect themes such as karma, fate, destiny, and shifting into new timelines to continue to play out for the rest of April.