A Week Of Upgrades..

The Ascension energies are rising! We hit 64 Hz on the Schumann Resonance today.  You can see these frequency spikes are connected to the energy shifts we are experiencing.  More and more influxes of energies of energy are hitting this Planet, causing a major frequency shift.  We are continuing to assess the things no longer serving us.  We have been in the shadow, a world within the deepest areas of the subconscious.  We are getting ready for some massive energy shifts.  You may be figuring out things are accelerating.  These incoming energies are flooding your bodies with codes of light.  We have third eye upgrades in progress.  Use the element of the Sun in Pisces and Mars in Taurus to amplify your manifestations.  You have the world of dreams merging together with that of the material.  Both of these energies combined are powerful.  It’s time to put more practice into dreaming things into the physical.