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A Future In Accordance With The Hierarchies Of Light
Humanity is ready and being purified to make an ultimate timeline merger. Everyone will collide in a single moment. In order to do this, everyone needs to be at a much higher vibrational frequency. As you’re being upgraded, simultaneously the limited programs enslaving humanity are being dismantled. This reality is not as it seems, and the false realities that have been set up to enslave humanity are going to become more and more transparent. This place was never here to enslave, it’s meant to liberate those that have what it takes. This was never meant to be a prison, though most will just accept that as their reality. It’s a school, an adept training simulation. It’s a place where you can work hard and raise up in your position in the spiritual hierarchies of light. You are in this environment so you have a place to remember your calling, one of service. You came as the healers that you are. It’s a simulation controlled entirely by your emotional response to your circumstances. It’s a place where time and space do not exist. It’s a chance for you to learn how to progress past time. You chose this time so you could easily access and heal your past, changing your future probabilities. Your main lesson this life was to progress from separateness back to unity with the entire Galaxies. Your journey was very long to get to this place. Let go of these past lessons. Any pain was needed to give you an understanding of the collective pain felt on a consciousness level for many cycles now. You agreed to take on this for the collective, a responsibility you may not understand. Have more trust in your path. They all are leading to one ultimate destination for humanity. A future your here to help create, one in accordance Universal laws with the spiritual hierarchies of light.
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