Yes, The Earth’s Frequencies Are Rising

We are all shifting from our current state of limited consciousness to a higher vibration and a higher level of consciousness. We are freeing ourselves from anything that isn’t serving us and we are evolving spiritually. We are evolving past that illusion of separateness into an enlightened state of unity and oneness. This is a place of peace and compassion. Our entire planet is getting hit with higher frequencies and more and more light waves. This is all accelerating.
7.83 HZ is the frequency of the OM. It is also Gaia, or Earths, natural heartbeat. This is also called the Schumann Resonance. The Schumann Resonance measures global electromagnetic resonances. The Schumann Resonance is also in tune with our brains alpha and theta states. The earths vibrational frequency is picking up. It’s up around 16 HZ on average, and up to 24 HZ to 30 HZ during waves. As these frequencies rise to 12-16.5 HZ, in Neurofeedback, this is called Sensory-Motor Rhythm frequency (SMR). This is an ideal state of “awakened calm”. As earth shifts her vibrational frequency it’s waking people up! Gaia’s magnetic field has been slowly weakening. The magnetic field was put in place to block our memories of our true heritage. As the magnetic field changes it is loosening any memory blocks that we have so we can raise our consciousness to truth.