Tag: samhain

  • On The Energies…

    We have shifted into Scorpio Season.  This week will be intense as it’s bringing lots of different energies.  We have Samhain/Halloween, a Blue Moon, lots of Cosmic Rays, and Solar Flares.  Samhain/ Halloween is a Portal and it is already open.  The spiritual veil, between the spiritual worlds and our world, is at its thinnest…

  • An Energy Report…

    October 31st we have a Full Moon In Taurus.  This is also a Blue Moon occurring on Samhain/ Halloween.  A Blue Moon happens when we have two Full Moons in the same month.  This Blue Moon occurs when the spiritual veil, between our two worlds, is at its thinnest.  That means you should be seeing…

  • Incoming Energies…

    We have shifted into Scorpio Season.  This is an amazing time to step deeper into your purpose or to explore the things your passionate about.  Everyone knows it’s a spooky time of year, but it’s also full of powerful energy and magic.  Things may continue to get intense this week as the ascension energies continue…

  • Energy Report…

    The Harvest Moon continues tonight and will be in conjunction with Mars.  There are some powerful cosmic energies colliding right now.  Mars is extra close to the Earth right now.  The next Mars Close Approach is October 6th.  This usually only happens every couple of years, and has everything to do with the Mars Retrograde…

  • Don’t Miss Our Samhain Ceremony..

    If your looking for me live today… My boyfriend and I will be coming together today to do a ceremony for Samhain.  We will be connecting with our loved ones and ancestors in the other realm.  We will also be connecting with our past lives.  This is a powerful energy to be using to connect…

  • Tips For Mercury Retrograde…

    Tomorrow we celebrate Samhain and shift into Mercury Retrograde.  We have a lot of changes occurring and it’s best to learn how to flow with them.  We have be through a lot of shifts this year.  This is preparing us to enter 2020.  This is a powerful time if year.  Samhain is a time for…