Tag: new earth

  • Preparing For The Solstice Gateway…

    We are preparing Now, for the Winter Solstice.  The Sun begins a new solar cycle on the Winter Solstice.  This is also the first day of Winter.  This is a powerful portal.  It’s a gateway between worlds.  At this time, the veil between worlds is at its thinnest.  This means we are most spiritually tuned…

  • On This Space We Are In..

    I see a lot of people in fear of the dark and even giving their power to it right now.  We are seeing the power of the light in these energies coming into the Planet.  We are being blasted with waves of 5D energy.  So many people are blaming 5G, the government, the Cabal, even…

  • Energy Update…

    I hope everyone is feeling the power behind these energies.  Many people are in a state of confusion about what is actually occurring during this time.  Don’t be distracted by anything the media is portraying.  There has always been an agenda to keep humanity at a low frequency.  This is always done through fear.  The…

  • On The Energies…

    The Ley Lines are about to get very active, if they aren’t already.  The energy coming in is not just affecting us it’s affecting the structures of the Earth.  It may not always feel amazing to go through this process, but it’s always been for our highest good.  These energies are creating so many positive…

  • Preparing For The Event…

    On September 2, 1859 the Carrington Event occurred.  This was a CME that hit Earth.  This CME overpowered the Earth’s protective magnetic field.  This was a storm of charged particles sent by the Sun that slammed into our atmosphere.  This spewed electrified subatomic particles towards our Planet, full of electromagnetic radiation.  This was the largest…

  • Shifting To The New



    There is a chain reaction occurring throughout consciousness.  We were lied to about the natures of reality and our potential in every way.  People are awakening and remembering.  In us raising our frequencies and mastering our realities it’s anchoring the Planet into new frequencies.  Those making the biggest shifts in consciousness are those that have…